Week 6 – You’re Late… Well Not Exactly

This week felt like it just flew by! It is quite a challenge for me to keep up with my daily routine and services (I still catch myself saying chores 😛 ) that I must get done with the daily Honor Requirements. It almost felt like the beginning of Spider Man 2 when Peter was late delivering pizzas to the customer. Although I wasn’t technically late on doing anything this week (that I could recall), time just seemed to fly right by!


What I really struggle though is the reading ‘services’ specifically.  I consider myself a somewhat of a slow reader.  Oh wait.  I take that back… that was an opinion.

Why I consider myself a slow reader is that because my mind wonders off and thinks of something else while I read, and thus not really paying attention to what I am reading. At which point I catch myself and need to reread what I just read.

Since reading “Scroll II” in The Greatest Salesman in the World 3 times a day, The Master Key Part 6 once a day, and other reading material daily for our Honor Requirements, it’s pretty difficult for me to concentrate what I read, let alone reading it WITH enthusiasm!

My Mom had an epiphany last night.  She remembered that there are audio recordings as well as printable PDFs of The  MasterKey System that we read once a day . So why not listen to the audio while reading the “Part” we are currently on for the week to help to stay focused! Like my Mom, I wish one of us thought of it sooner than we did.

This leads me to have the same question that my Mom has, what do you do to help youself concentrate on your daily MKMMA readings?

Week 5 – Hmmm… What does this Button do?

One of this weeks Tangible Requirements is to write a “Press Release” page on my blog.  The jist is to write your DMP as though it has already happened.   And since this is a ‘Press Release’, it is supposed to be written as though somebody has interviewed you and your ‘success’.

Although the Press Releases that Mark J and my Certified Guide, Jason Parachnowitsch has shown us, does help with some sense of direction.   I’m still feeling like somebody that doesn’t know how to use the controls on the Star Trek Holodeck.   What does that button do? Or what about this one? Or that one? My mind is just blank!

ClickHandler.ashxMy challenge this week is that I have writers block. Its not that I don’t have any ideas, its just that I am not entirely sure how I can put it all together in a style of an interview, especially with what I have covered in my DMP.

There was just so much info that is in my DMP I could piece together, and I could write them in so many ways.  Heck my head jams on just thinking on who is going to be the interviewer!   Sounds silly right?

Hmmm, maybe taking a few short breaks by doing some small household chores, like doing dishes, vacuuming the living room or taking out the trash or perhaps even taking a stroll in the park may help.  Anything other than looking at a blank document on my computer screen may help jog some thoughts on how I can write my Press Release.   Oh wait, that sounds more like procrastination or avoidance, not a good idea.

In a way it made me think of House MD, when Dr. Gregory House would have a epiphany to cure a patient while he was doing something that wasn’t anywhere near working on curing the patient.  But this isn’t a TV show, this is my life.

This is definitely a challenge that I had even before MKMMA. The exercise sounds pretty straight forward, but when it comes to it, it can be difficult to complete. But I am determine to get it done. Like what my Service card says DO IT NOW!

Week 4 – Pinning the Tail on the Donkey

When Davene said everyone is going to quit MKMMA in Week 4 one way or the other. Either their going to quit completely or they quit giving it a 100%….. For a White personality, the first time I heard that, it scared the crap out of the perfectionist part me! Sure enough, she pinned the tail on the donkey when I was one of those that didn’t give it a 100%. There’s that typical perfectionist part of me in my head saying that I must give it 100% or I will FAIL. But there is another part of me is wondering why are you trying to be somebody perfect? The point is, I’m still here in MKMMA! What would of made me a ‘Failure’ would have been if I just given up, considering in The Master Key Part Four #12 states that “Unless you do this, you had better not start at all, because modern psychology tells us that when we start something and do not complete it, or make a resolution and do not keep it, we are forming the habit of failure; absolute, ignominious failure.”

As for this last few weeks I have been really focused on improving my DMP, it’s surly a far cry from my first submission to my guide Jason Parachnowitsch.  In fact I wasn’t even entirely sure during the time that Autonomy and Recognition for Creative Expression was my PPNs! Now I am realizing my PPNs are Autonomy and Legacy. I was really sure that Recognition for Creative Expression was one of my PPNs, because of the fact of what I’ve said in my last weeks blog post stating that I realize that I am motivated more by recognition than money.

But having a clearer understanding of what the 7 PPNs are now, I do effectively share my life’s work, both in dollars and in substance. Recognition for creative expression sounds more like I’m getting a reward on a reward show for some sort of an amazing act.

Compare that to what I initially thought, which was doing things like making dinner and washing dishes or mowing some ones lawn without being asked. It also occurred to me that when I was talking with someone the other day about shows that I’ve like watching shows like Secret Millionaire more than Award shows. I do like being recognized for making somebody dinner, or doing something for somebody without being ask. But as in an bigger scale, like the Emmy Rewards, or being one of the youngest successful entrepreneur in the world, that freaks me out when I think about that. But as for somebody that is successful (but not being noticed like a celebrity) I see myself supporting a good cause like donating to charities, or share something that I have been working passionately on.

My DMP and PPNs is Greatly changed these last 4 weeks so far here in MKMMA, and I am feeling like its more of who I really am.

List of Personal Pivotal Needs (PPNs):
Legacy: Opportunities to effectively share your life’s work, both in dollars and in substance.

Autonomy: freedom from external control or influence; independent choices, self-governing.

Liberty: immunity from debt, IRS independence, freedom of choice; to think or feel or do just as I please; personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression.

Helping others: world goodness, contributing, makes a difference in society, give utopia on earth to others

Recognition for creative expression: recognized or acknowledged for achievements, honoring, remembered, cherished, endowed with greatness

True health: energy for living, fit and healthy, sound mind, interactions with others, relationships, relaxation, strong immune system, healthy lifestyle

Spiritual growth: increasing in knowledge and understanding of god’s word, life-long journey that occurs through reading and apply god’s word to your life.

Week 3 – If You Can Dodge A Wrench, You Can Dodge A Ball

To be honest, this last past Sunday’s webinar, left me feeling like, “If You Can Dodge A Wrench, You Can Dodge A Ball” scene in Dodgeball A True Underdog Story, when Mark pointed out the worst kind of Control Freak is the Indecisive Perfectionist. You know, the person that can point out and solve everyone else’s problems EXCEPT their own. The reason why it felt like a Wrench in the face for me is that I AM a Indecisive Perfectionist.

Why I have brought up my indecisiveness is because it is why I think I am struggling with my DMP. I’m just not entirely sure what to write!

On the flip side, I do see where my PPNs, (which is Autonomy and Recognition for Creative Expression) come into play in my life right now. I realize that I am motivated more by recognition than money. I understand why money is important in life, it’s just that I don’t have the ‘fire in my belly’ to earn it. As for Autonomy I don’t want to be pinned to a 9-6 Job for 40+ years. I can’t stand to feel as though I’m “trapped”, trading my time for dimes if I did. I feel my time is much more precious than that!

My DMP is something I am really looking forward to nailing down. I’m tired of going through my days lost and not having direction. And lets face it if you can’t clearly see what you want out of life, how can you know what road to travel? Sounds pretty impossible right? Hence why this is something I am looking to achieve while on this Journey with MKMMA. I want to be a decision maker that is slow to change his mind after a decision is made. To become decisive of what I want and see it clearly. I find that my indecisiveness is a good chunk of concrete that is covering my Golden Buddha and I am willing to put in the time to chisel it off.

Week 2 – I’m a Crazy Rabid Squirrel!

After reading Charli’s blog post about having to sit still for 15 minutes. I’ve been thinking about my experience this past following week of my practice of sitting for that long. I have to admit it is a very challenging task. Not to mention this past following week I came down with the flu, so I have been coughing quite often, making this exercise even somewhat more harder to accomplish.

Now I pretty much gotten over my flu thankfully, and I do see an improvement with myself of sitting still for 15 minutes in silence. But now here in week 2, not only I have to sit in silence in the same room, chair, etc. But I have to silence my thinking? I’m thinking, “Oh boy this is going to be something to master!” Then I stop to think, “How much you want to bet that’s the old blueprint talking to you right now?”. Everyone knows that blueprint will be getting you often, especially this early in this coarse.

These last few days of practicing sitting in silence, makes me think of the scene in 3D Animated movie “Over The Hedge”, when RJ wants Hammy to be a “Crazy Rabid Squirrel”. That’s how I describe my thinking, when I am tempting to silence my thinking, my thoughts bounces over the place like a Little Crazy Squirrel on caffeine. Imagining that, it is pretty hard to hold that little jittery critter still for 15 minutes. So far I have manage to silence my thoughts for about 5 sec or so. This is definitely an exercise that is easier said then done, which I’m sure I’m not the only one that thinks this way, but I’m sure by continuing practicing will improve my thinking.

Hope this weeks blog post is valuable to you with your journey with MKMMA, I’m looking forward whats to come next week, and Aloha.

Week 1 – Hello, Hello, is this Microphone on???

Hello Everyone!


I’m am as excited as I am nervous to be here in the MKMMA Course. If you aren’t familiar with MKMMA, its short for “Master Key Mastermind Alliance” a Life-Changing 26 week class for people that give a 1 hour of their time each day for self discovery and self improvement. Only selected recipients that register to the Pay-It-Forward Scholarship can participate in this course. The next time it will be offered will be in September 2015.


This is the first week of the 2014 class. One of the first “Tangible Requirement Assignments” (an assignment that has to be submitted and verified), you must write an DMP. DMP is known as your “Definite Major Purpose”, or sometimes known as “Dharma” which means ” A life lived on purpose, with purpose is a life ‘of purpose’”


When I was working on my DMP I had a epiphany. I was worrying that I wasn’t doing it correctly right from the get go. As pointed out in last Sundays webinar, it was intended to be a rough, rough draft of my DMP. The thing was, when I started working on it, all I could think about was how I wanted it to be perfect to everyone that reads it.


It feels like being on a stage in front of an live audience. There is NO where to hide. There’s this small voice in the back my head, “What you write must be perfect NOW, or you’re going to look bad in front of everybody”.


That’s where I caught myself, telling myself this negative self talk about what I look like in the public’s eye. I know I should NOT be stressing about what everyone is thinking about my DMP. It should be what makes ME think and feel. The DMP is something that needs to be worked on overtime, not a Pop-In-The-Middle-Of-No-Where perfect statement of what I want out of life. If you’re still working on your DMP, just remember that you have to submit it in while working on it. Don’t be getting bent out of shape that it’s not “picture perfect”. There is support available to polish it until its worded in a perfect way that is right for you. Like Mark stated in the webinar, we will improve our DMP in the following weeks.

I would like to end this blog post by sharing my “rough rough draft” DMP, it’s pretty darn short compared to some of yours out there I could imagine, but remember everybody’s DMP always differ “I am making more than $5,000 easily and consistently every month by sharing my favorite things and knowledge with others.”

Thank You everyone that took the time to read me first post on my MKMMA Blog. Aloha, Ciao, Comtraya, or what every way you prefer to say Good Bye.