Week 20 – Tools of Expanding: Fear, Hurt Feelings, Anger, Guilt and Unworthiness

This is a pretty big topic to think about, I have so many things bouncing around my head about how Fear, Hurt Feelings, Anger, Guilt and/or Unworthiness can be used as tools of expanding my comfort zone. The first thing that comes to my mind is the scene in Adam Sandler’s movie “The Waterboy”. When Bobby (Adam Sandler’s character) discovered he has a unique tackling ability and becomes a member of the football team by letting out a streak of anger aka “Opening a Can Of Whoop-Ass” that was triggered from his hurt feelings towards his mother, when one of the football players was teasing him how dumb he was.

Another thought was the video clip I shared back in Week 18 on this blog with Oprah Winfrey and Tony Robbins, about the story that we base everything on. We’re not following our dreams because we are stuck in fear. We don’t allow our story to evolve. Then we wonder why we are left feeling depressed, bored, and stuck in the same spot in life, suffering in silence, and covering ourselves with new cement blocks over our Golden Buddha.

The biggest one for me personally is when I started MKMMA. At the beginning of this journey, I never really had a strong sense of direction, and not sure what I wanted to do with my life. You could say that I didn’t really like meeting new people either. A lot of these things were pretty big concrete blocks that was covering my Golden Buddha, that now I find pretty silly.

I use to feel guilty when I watched a movie or play video games because I felt that I could of invested that time more wisely. I felt anger mainly because I felt like I didn’t have enough time in the day to do the things I wanted to accomplished. Being a white personality, I feared that I may screwed up on a project for school or work and look like an idiot. I shy away from people that I’ve never meet before because I feared not just getting my feelings hurt, but getting hurt period. The list could go on. Throughout MKMMA, I become a better observer on what I felt and think about. Of course there’s always something to improve on about ourselves, but it is a far cry from where I’ve been.

4 thoughts on “Week 20 – Tools of Expanding: Fear, Hurt Feelings, Anger, Guilt and Unworthiness”

  1. Great examples and observations about this topic!
    Keep up the mental work to move forward..into your new found direction, it’s already rewarding isn’t it.
    Blessings, Favor and Abundance to YOU 🙂

  2. Dillon, I so appreciate the video clip. It was an exceptional example of using hurt feelings towards another end. I guess it was turning one distressful feeling for another, namely anger. But your observation of it is perfect! Very proud of your contribution and I look forward to reading more as the class progresses! CE

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